Welcome to CBC!

It can be intimidating to visit a new church. Or maybe you’ve never really been to church before. Either way, we want you to feel welcome at CBC!

What Time Should I Come?

Our Worship Services start at 8:30AM and 10:30AM, but please join us at 8:00AM or 10:00AM for coffee, donuts, and a chance to meet some of the people at CBC.
We have a Discipleship Hour in the Upper Room during each Worship Service. That’s an informal teaching time where you’d be more than welcome!

We also have a Sunday morning Prayer Meeting at 7:45AM.

What should I wear?

There is no official dress code for our church! God is much more concerned with our hearts than with what we wear. We’re happy to have you come and worship with us!

What if I don't have a Bible?

No problem! We would love to give you one.

What if my kids aren't used to sitting in church?

We know that sitting still and being quiet in church is a learning curve for kids, and we want to help!

We provide interactive kids’ bulletins for your children to enjoy & learn from during the Worship Services.
During the 8:30 Service, we offer age-appropriate Sunday School classes for children ages 3-11.
During the 10:30 AM Worship Service, we provide childcare in the Nursery for ages 0-3.

Do you have anything special for youth?

Yes! Young people are welcome at CBC! In fact, the CBC young adults are vital to everything that CBC does!

We want our children and young people to witness other adults and their parents worshiping the Lord together during our Sunday morning Worship Services, and much of the teaching during these times is directed at our young people as well.  

Our Monday Night University offers classes and fellowship opportunites for CBC youth. Contact us to learn more.
At CBC we strive to cultivate an environment that mingles all ages together as much as possible. Age segregation within the Church is never seen in Scripture. While the popular trend is to segregate into peer groups, we firmly believe that greater maturity is fostered by blending mature saints with younger, immature believers. Therefore, we do not promote the formation of “youth groups.” We are equipping the whole Body of Christ, not cultivating a separate Christian youth culture.

Children on Sunday Mornings

Generations of Grace —  8:30AM & 10:30AM (in the Upper Room) —

Our Generations of Grace Sunday School curriculum is a biblically based, unified curriculum for children ages three to eleven. It is designed to magnify God by studying His character in the pages of all of Scripture. We can better understand who He is and how we are to respond to Him by studying how His redemptive plan has unfolded and how He has used men to accomplish His purposes. Over a three-year period, this curriculum covers the entire narrative of God’s redemptive plan with the children.

Sunday morning Generations of Grace classes are broken down into three levels: Preschool, Grades 1-3, & Grades 4-6.
Every week on Sunday mornings, children in each age range learn from the same passage of Scripture in a way that is appropriate for their respective age levels. This unified curriculum enables families to discuss one passage together each week, reinforcing the lesson that children have learned in Sunday School.

Nursery — 10:30AM-12:00PM —
During our second Worship Service, children ages 0-3 are invited to be in the Nursery, where they’ll be cared for by our Nursery staff. You can check your child into the Nursery at 10:25AM. If you have never checked your child into the CBC Nursery before, we recommend you pick up a copy of the Nursery Ministry Parent Handbook to review and sign prior to checking in your child. For more information about the CBC Nursery and other children’s ministries, please contact us.

Worship Service Times

8:30AM-10:00AM (in-person and livestream)
10:30AM-12:00PM (in-person)
At Cornerstone Bible Church we enjoy gathering as a big family, young and old alike, to worship God together. We love to sing a variety of God-honoring hymns and songs, old and new. And at the heart of our worship service, as of every other ministry at CBC, lies the faithful, straightforward preaching and teaching of the Word of God. We believe the Bible contains all we need in order to know and serve God, and everything we do at CBC is based on His Word.

As a family-integrated church, we want to encourage our children to be a part of the worship service, alongside their parents. In order to help parents implement this in their families, we provide children's bulletins for kids to better understand the sermon and to provide activities to occupy them while they listen. We see our primary role as a church to come alongside parents in order to help them evangelize and disciple their own children, which is clearly their God-given mandate. Therefore, we welcome the presence of little ones in the worship service, learning from an early age to sit and listen to the teaching of God’s Word, shoulder to shoulder with their parents.  We DO offer Nursery childcare during our second Worship Service at 10:30AM.  See below for more details about childcare & kids’ programs at CBC in each service.

Join us for a Discipleship Hour study in our Upper Room during either of our worship services! See below for more details on Discipleship Hour classes.


We celebrate the Lord’s Table together on a monthly basis. The elements of Communion (the bread and the cup) are simply a visible reminder of what God has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ. Every time we celebrate the Lord’s Table, it is an opportunity for us to ponder the great Gospel of Christ, which alone gives us peace with God and hope for all eternity.

Discipleship Hour

—  8:30AM & 10:30AM (in the Upper Room) —

Chris Green, one of our elders, is known for saying, “If you miss Discipleship Hour on Sunday, you’re missing half the meal!” He’s right. Our vision for Discipleship Hour is to touch on a variety of key topics for Christian Living that we wouldn’t otherwise have time for. Sometimes different men in the church teach through a course of study. Other times we use video series for this hour. Some of the courses we’ve gone through in the past are: Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Fundamentals of the Faith, The Peacemaker, Gospel Treason, Way of the Master, and Behold Your God.  As with our Worship Services, families are always welcome to attend these Discipleship Hours together!  We do offer a Children’s Discipleship Class called Generations of Grace for the children of CBC during the 8:30 AM Discipleship Hour.
Please contact us for more details on our current Upper Room Discipleship Hour classes.