
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

-Jim Elliott
The Bible minces no words in regards to the utter priority and urgency of the Gospel message (Mat. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Rom. 1:16-17; 10:13-15). This was not only taught by our Lord, His disciples, and the Early Church, but it was clearly modeled for us as well. We believe that the Church exists for primarily 3 reasons. First, to bring glory to God. Second, to disciple and edify the Body of Christ. And third, to faithfully proclaim the Good News of the Gospel to a dead and dying world!
We are very thankful for the opportunity to support ministries and faithful men and women around the world who are fulfilling our Savior’s Great Commission!

Active Missionaries

Dieter & Kristjana Borchmann

Dieter graduated from The Master’s Seminary in May 2001. After being ordained, he was sent out by Grace Community Church with his wife, Kristjana and four children, to serve in Berlin, Germany in June 2001. They joined the ministry of the Andresens and the Greens, and together they started the European Bible Training Center and the Biblegemeinde Berlin in the east of Berlin. This is where Dieter still serves as a senior pastor.

Pascal & Bea Grosjean

In the fall of 2019, Pastor Dieter & Bibelgemeinde sent out the Grosjean family to plant another Bible-teaching church in Berlin. They faithfully evangelize unbelievers among the millions of people in East Berlin who grew up under communism & are largely atheistic. This new church (Gnadengemeinde Berlin) has been steadily growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. They faithfully share the Gospel through worship concerts, Bible camps, and any other avenue they can find!

Daniel & Juliane Westermann:

Jews For Jesus:

Daniel serves as an elder at Bibelgemeinde, which Pastor Cary helped plant during his former missionary years in Berlin, Germany.
This Bible-teaching church is faithfully evangelizing unbelievers among the millions of people in East Berlin who grew up under communism & are largely atheistic.
Bibelgemeinde also has a strong commitment to discipleship. Daniel is a key leader in both branches of ministry
"We Are Jewish People Who Believe in Jesus…
…and we want to tell everyone about Jesus the Messiah.
We engage the greater Jewish community with the message of Jesus so that more of our Jewish people will be spiritually transformed through knowledge and love of God. Jews for Jesus the organization was founded in 1973. However, we like to say we were “founded 32 a.d., give or take a year.” Today, our staff are active internationally in 13 countries and 24 cities."

Walter & Sanja Heaton

Noam & Joan Hendren

“We are serving our Savior in Southeastern Europe with the goal of training men to preach with exegetical and theological precision. We want to provide a biblical model of pastoral leadership for those we are training for ministry. Our goal is also to provide a biblical model of church ministry, in terms of polity, oversight, worship, and programming.”
Their Ministries in Israel:
  • Personal outreach with the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah.
  • Discipleship of Jewish believers through teaching God’s Word and relational ministry.
  • Mobilizing and equipping Messianic believers to engage in effective outreach.
  • Congregational ministry, including the planting of Messianic congregations.
  • Biblical training for congregational leadership and ministry through Messianic higher education.

Hospital of Hope: Chaplaincy Program

Hospital of Hope: Patient Care Fund

The Hospital of Hope, a modern 65-bed full service hospital located in Mango, Togo, West Africa, opened for ministry in 2015.
The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is shared with the patients and their families through the ministry of 10 full-time Togolese chaplains (& the Christian medical staff). CBC supports Chaplain Issake Bande's family on a monthly basis.
CBC also supports the HOH through the Patient-Care Fund.  When a family cannot pay the hospital, the hospital draws what is needed from the Patient-Care Fund to pay for the meds and service.
The Patient-Care Fund is the main means by which the Hospital is able to give proper medical & spiritual care to any African in need.


Living Waters exists to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. This organization seeks to train the members of Christ’s Body in the principles of Biblical evangelism and to provide them with practical tools to proclaim the Gospel.

CBC offers many of Living Waters resources for our members’ use at our church facility, and we also support the ministry itself on a monthly basis.

CBC Evangelism Team:

The past several years the CBC Evangelism Team has been going out several times a week, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ by handing out tracts and having Gospel conversations with any who will listen.

They regularly walk the streets of Granite Falls and Lake Stevens, Snohomish, Marysville, and Arlington.

The Team has also hosted “vendor booths” at the Evergreen State Fair and the local Railroad Days festival, and at other local events.

Please be in prayer for our Evangelism Team:
For boldness in proclaiming the Gospel, for clarity and graciousness as they share with others, for opportunities to share and for listeners to have soft hearts, and for safety and wisdom when they walk the streets.

If you’d like to get involved in this ministry, please let us know!!!